This is NOT the ending…it is The Beginning. As we each step through the Illusion, we stand in a reality of our own making. Our preparation and participation has been in alignment with our Soul’s Destiny, a New Chapter telling the story of Humanity’s evolution…Being Spirit moving in concert with our Human Form, experiencing each step of our journey being at HOME…in our Form in this NOW MOMENT.
The body, the soul and the spirit are terms recognized in many languages. The word “and” in the original Greek language means to differ from each other and indicates that each part plays a different role for us.
This is only one perspective as we begin to bridge the multiplicity of our beliefs and our languages to reveal the common thread…we all seek to Remember and Experience HOME. Spirit is our ultimate connection with The Beginning, it occupies a space that exists in the stillness of our very physical existence and remains constant…never changing or losing the connection with The Beginning.
The body is the container…our skin suit where we experience our sense of sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch…our Personality in action. The embodied Soul is our humanity that gives us the ability to feel emotions, compassion, empathy and connectedness. Finally, the Spirit is our deeper connection with the Source of our very existence. Together they represent the full embodiment of our purpose in concert with Knowing…Tri--vector equilibrium…Being Spirit and Human. How might we learn to TRUST the Original Intelligence held within our skinsuit?
Our first step is to recognize that our reality might not be as real as we think. As we begin our Pilgrimage, we move into the silence to explore the relationship of each and how they define how we navigate our personal and collective Pilgrimage Beyond the Illusion. We recognize how we can now create the experiential-vocabulary that bridges our differences. Let’s begin with why our life journey might now become a pilgrimage and how we might move in concert with The Tri-Vector Concept. According to Merriam-Webster a pilgrimage is a sacred journey, undertaken for a spiritual purpose. Pilgrimage is a search for meaning, purpose, values or truth (and in this sense, like life).
No longer Becoming Wholly Human…or Being Wholly Human. We are BEING SPIRIT and HUMAN in this NOW MOMENT using the full compliment of wisdom and skills to Navigate
Using Ancient Wisdom and Current Interpretation, we will begin to introduce how trivium and quadrivium can speak to our understanding of the relationship to our unified idea of reality and how we communicate our truth as we engage in conversations of a different kind.
“The philosopher Boethius (ca. 477–524) devised a curriculum that divided the liberal arts into a more elementary linguistic trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and logic) and a more advanced, numerological quadrivium (arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, and music). Emphasis on the bifurcation of the trivium and quadrivium was further strengthened at the court of Charlemagne (768–814), and the Emperor himself is known to have followed this course of study.”
October 23, 2023…I was beginning to see how my understanding of the Galactic Channel at the base of the skull, the Whale Hole, High Crown Wisdom and the Vertical Highway, the soft spot on baby’s head explains and validates how our current scientific model speaks to our metaphysical and spiritual interpretations.
A ChoicePoint for Humanity
Access and Understanding of Our Divine Soul Purpose…Being Quantum Human
Coming to the Table in Collaborative Conversations of a Different Kind