What I KNOW FOR CERTAIN…Life is about change…choices. Change is a constant. How we navigate the ever-changing vibrational landscape of our current experience is determined by how well we utilize the empirical design of the communication system within our human form. Tri-Vector Equilibrium works in concert with this intricate design.
I begin in 1992 bridging from the Beginning to NOW. The following are excerpts that will briefly outline my story as it relates to how The Tri-Vector Equilibrium began, the process used to determine the gaps and how we might remember what we have always known. The excerpts below are from my journal entries that gave the background for: Quiet Miracles, EarthProject777 - Through the Looking Glass, A Day Out of Time, Tri-Vector Equilibrium and Whisperings.
My experience begins in 1992 when I began to listen in the silence. In those brief moments, I was made aware of a Promise and committed to the experience.
THE PROMISE - The Absolutes: The opportunity to live my life in joy and peace. The promise that all of my needs would be met. The assurance that all things would evolve and change. The only requirement was that I trust The Beginning.
MY PLEDGE - To Trust: I trust The Beginning. I know that I am part of all that exists. I honor and respect my form/body that holds my KNOWING. I Remember…
What is the Beginning and is it real or imagined? It would take almost thirty years for my experience to bring me to this chapter of my life where there are no doubts about the existence. Movement within Divine Intelligence seeks less from outside voices…for within the PAUSE, in the stillpoint…listening to our inner voice…we KNOW how to navigate the ever-changing landscape.
The next step is to lay a foundation or pathway to experience this concept…KNOWING…to experience each now moment. Engaging life as it unfolds, trusting and taking the opportunity to release any remaining attachments to what has been becomes our new normal…taking each step with assurance that the momentum will carry you forward. Movement is no longer stagnant, locked within the human mental construct of FEAR. There is a quiet sense of freedom as one observes the current landscape that appears in each now moment, PAUSES and utilizes Intuition/Creative Solutions at the highest level to create and manifest. Personality and Divine Intelligence in concert with the MIND of THE BEGINNING.
What is the MIND of THE BEGINNING within the diversity of our life experiences? Is there a bridge that sees our commonality…exploring our similarities/differences? I will begin as I understand it…
In the Beginning there was silence...no sound, no movement… as it has always been. From the MIND of THE BEGINNING, silence contracted…then expanded opening the next expression…our next Plane of Existence…vibration, no sound, sound, form, verbal expression (words). What can be manifested when created with DIVINE INSPIRATION? From the MIND of THE BEGINNING, Vibration, no sound, movement became Form - the beginning of all that was required for giving life to all that was to BE and giving form to those who would experience life and explore possibilities…the Messengers. WE are the messengers. Each Messenger builds upon the work of those who came before and leaves a clear pathway for those who will arrive to take the discoveries forward.
In the natural way of the Universal MIND of THE BEGINNING, the organic cycles of our evolution began to expand upon the concept of contraction-expansion-destruction to open our opportunity to participate in the construction of our next evolutionary Plane of Existence.
PAUSE for a moment and feel the words you have just read. Is there resistance, hesitation, are you curious?
The diversity of our experiences and our cultural beliefs often stop us from exploring the similarities/differences of how we interpret, express and share our thoughts. The first step might be to explore who you believe is the ONE in your experience. There are many versions of how we lost our connection, direction and ability to come together. One version is that we, individually became “entrained or conditioned” to “believe” the “concept” that ONE interpretation was the only way. That set up a divisive separation that, until this “timing” has clouded our perception of what we “KNOW.’
As we move further into the story, you might use the bridges that are available to assist when our words and experiences are different.