The primary focus of The EarthProject was to bridge between science, physiology and spirituality. How might we find creative solutions when we have difficulty understanding and relating to what is being said? Each speak in their own vocabulary…much like speaking a foreign language. It was determined that an experiential vocabulary offered a creative solution as we moved forward. I found, once again that asking questions most often assisted as I began my dance into how science might validate what I understood about Tri-Vector Equilibrium. As always, there were brilliant collaborators ready to assist. Some in person, some from a previous time and some that were not in a physical body.
I continue with the work of Walter Russell. In his book The Divine Iliad, he sums up much of what I experienced during the past thirty years as I explored the concepts that were part of the EarthProject777 Blueprint and Directives. While the scientific community did not support Russell’s work as it unfolded, they eventually recognized its value.
The Divine Iliad, by Walter Russell clearly defines how our embodiment within our human form actually creates a bridge between our beginning and our human personality, reality or experience. “We live in two universes—the universe of sensing and the universe of knowing. The universe of sensing is the visible material electric universe of motion with which we are familiar. The universe of knowing is the invisible universe which we cannot sense. Man begins his existence upon this earth with sensing only. He has no knowledge whatsoever when he begins. He lives entirely in the instinctive electric universe of sensing. The nerves of his body are what make him aware of his material existence. Sensation is what he feels with his body. He is electrically aware that he has a body. Electrical awareness of his body does not mean that he knows anything because of that awareness of his body. Sensing and knowing have no relation to each other. Sensing consists of vibrating waves of two lights of matter in motion. Knowing consists of the One Light of Spirit which is still. The one still Light of knowing centers all motion, just as the still fulcrum centers the moving lever. There is no motion in a fulcrum. All motion is in the moving lever which extends from the fulcrum. Likewise, there is no power in the moving lever which extends from the fulcrum. The power which is manifested by the lever is in the fulcrum upon which the lever oscillates. Those who manifest God's knowing are moving levers which oscillate upon the still fulcrum of God's One Light of knowing. They first manifest Him through the senses as motion. They then become Him through conscious knowing.”
Russell’s example of the fulcrum speaks clearly to our role in our current evolutionary process and validates the importance of the FORM/Personality and the common thread that bridges the diversity in our cultural differences. In all belief systems, the SOURCE remains consistent, constant, steady…KNOWING. We, as personality are the movement of our KNOWING and dependent upon the embodiment of Spirit/Personality to move in concert with our Soul Purpose.
We began In The Beginning with the opportunity to experience, learn, reset, self-adjust and remember. The diversity of our life experiences began to separate us into groups of like mind…often limiting our opportunity to explore and refine our beliefs to see the similarities. While our words might define our beliefs differently, we might agree that our next step is to lay a foundation or pathway to experience the concept of sensing and KNOWING in its fullness.
There are many versions of how we lost our connection, direction and ability to come together. One version is that we, individually became “entrained or conditioned” to “believe” the “concept” that ONE interpretation was the only way. That set up a divisive separation that, until now has clouded our perception of what we “KNOW”. We are now being offered an opportunity to better “understand” how each moment has been a catalyst to navigate our ever-changing landscape.
What I share is my experience within The Earth Project and the evolution of Tri-Vector Equilibrium.