Actually, there is a SIXTH ELEMENT...and yes, it is part of the original encoding and physiology of the human being and the reason EarthProject777 came to be.
As I was beginning to learn about the sixth element as it relates to EarthProject777, I went first to the science and found the definition could be bridged to our current understanding metaphysically for the changes we experience. It was comforting to know that I wasn’t just making this up.
The periodic table states:
• Pure carbon is one of the few elements that exists free in nature.
• Carbon is the sixth element in the periodic table. Located between boron (B) and nitrogen (N), it is a very stable element. Because it is stable, it can be found both by itself and in many naturally occurring compounds. I found it interesting that I often hear humans are carbon based and referred to using the number 6.
All Ancient Scribes and Prophesy spoke of this time and we have many references to the special abilities of the embodied human or the SIXTH ELEMENT, sometimes referred to as Wholly Human or Adam Kadmon. Ancient teachings and the indigenous gave us references to the four elements, EARTH, WIND, FIRE and WATER, practiced them in their ceremony and they became the basis for much of our scientific discoveries. As we bring these concepts forward, we might explore them as they might relate specifically to our human form.
• Earth - Substance-Form
• Wind - Movement-Communication
• Fire - Passion-Purpose
• Water - Emotion-Feeling-Choice
• Aether - Spirit or the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. The Sixth Element - Spirit seeking Form, the embodied Wholly Human
In The Nine Waves of Creation by Johan Calleman PhD, the first four waves are the basis for our biology. Julian Jaynes, in The Origin of Consciousness, shows that we begin with a sense of listening to various stages of wisdom outside of ourselves to ultimately seeing our own wisdom within. We, the human species came to complete the full embodiment of the vision for humanity. When we engage all sensory receptors on our skin...the largest organ of the body...we sense movement vibrationally. The key to maximizing this ability lies within the body's ability to reset and self-adjust sympathetic/parasympathetic balance, doing so with the three brain system moving in-formation both vertically and horizontally.
Confusing...perhaps for the moment. For anyone questioning the presence of Divine Intelligence in creating a being with this amazing ability...KNOWS that no one has ever created a more magnificent system of checks and balances than Creator.
On a much lighter note…how many of you have seen the old Bruce Willis movie – THE FIFTH ELEMENT? While it might seem unusual to mention this in the same reference as Ancient Prophesy and Science, I will speak to my own remembrance while sitting in that movie. Have you ever wondered if the writers might have been in on the secrets of the universe? I think perhaps they were. Now comes the FUN part…Do you remember what the FIFTH ELEMENT was? She was Spirit, experiencing life on earth for the first time in FORM. She had come to save the world by proving to the Andromedans that there could be a real expression of LOVE by humanity.
Is it possible that while science says the fifth element is AETHER, it might be Spirit seeking FORM…our Human biological experience? We might now be able to experience unconditional LOVE…a deeper version not the Hollywood version. The next step in our evolutionary process is our experience on Gaia with the full complement of our Original Blueprint Design… the SIXTH ELEMENT, compassionate, non-judgmental and fully trusting in our KNOWING or wisdom In the Beginning.
In preparation, EarthProject777 began to “find the gaps‘ in our human “interpretation“ that is our “perception of our reality.”