Becoming Wholly Human was the ultimate outcome when EarthProject777 began. First there was the task of discovering the many gaps and then find how they might be reconciled. Each step revealed ways that our original blueprint had been compromised. Was there a way to reset our human routing that interprets our perception of what we see, hear and think?
There is a quote from Basil BraveHeart that speaks to our ability to access what we might think is out of reach. “This has been a journey on which I was led by the wisdom of my grandparents and elders and also by the spiritual intelligence that, to me, is everywhere and anywhere. I believe this is what Black Elk meant when he said, The center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.”
The early indigenous peoples knew the importance of EMBODIMENT…moving in concert with the earth. When we are fully embodied, we know there is no here and there…we are always the center and have the innate ability to reset, self-adjust and navigate the landscape in much the same way the consciousness of Gaia moves.
Embodiment is a topic that I am hearing in many forms and from many sources. Many of us feel we have a Divine Purpose for being embodied on Gaia at this time. We are experiencing this acceleration of the vibrational field in our bodies in ways specific to our personal experience and Soul Growth. In our Original Blueprint Design, there is encoding that allows us to hold this higher vibration…moving in concert with our experience and all that exists. The Directives of EarthProject777 addressed the potential for embodiment and the time has come to begin dialogue about how we might access this wisdom held within our bodies…not intellectually but experientially.
My experience as technical liaison within EarthProject777 offers this definition: “the embodiment of our Divine Intelligence...BODY AND SOUL aligned with Divine Service to Humanity and Gaia.” We were, after all designed to fully embody our soul essence within our Divinely Designed Human Form while having a human experience. It is encoded within our DNA and offers the possibility to ride the roller-coaster of emotions, explore possibilities, use our highest development of discernment and ultimately Remember what we have always known. Whatever you might choose to call this particular time in the evolution of human consciousness, I feel we can agree that we are DEFINITELY IN IT! So, let’s begin with getting our full complement of wisdom working in concert with the BODY that is always aware of all the movement around it…Embodiment.
As I mentioned earlier, many are sharing their thoughts about what embodiment actually is. A few resources follow so you might see this from several perspectives in order to better reach your own experience.
Philip Shepherd shares this beautiful definition in Radical Wholeness: The Embodied Present and the Ordinary Grace of Being. “Embodiment is a state in which your entire intelligence is experienced as a coherent unity attuned to the world.”
Jeff Brown has this to say in Grounded Spirituality “Human Consciousness. What does it mean to be wholly human and to live a truly spiritual life? In what ways are we the same, and in what ways are we uniquely constituted and intended? What is an inclusive, wholly integrated consciousness? If we continue to limit our visions of possibility to compartmentalized spiritualities, we will most assuredly obstruct our collective expansion. We will imprison ourselves in our own alienation. And many more of us will be led astray, walking a path that is not truly our own.” Those of you familiar with EP777 may have noticed in Jeff’s quote the reference to “wholly human”. Interesting that the seeds planted many years ago (and shared in a public video with Gaia in 2013) are now bearing fruit and coming into our conversations, ready for us to experience what it means to live as Wholly Human.
We have experienced and used the “tools” it is time to take the next step. EMBODIMENT...BODY AND SOUL able to experience and evolve consciously together. Many think they have reached that point...and some have. Still, many find they are missing a key component, continuing to “think” in our heads without using our full complement of intelligence...the EMBODIMENT of our KNOWING being fully supported within our DIVINE HUMAN FORM. I have shared many times the importance of utilizing our “three brains...head brain, heart brain and gut brain” in concert with one another rather than relying on what we think we must feel with our integrated knowing. We can navigate the landscape of our reality, aware of the many forms of movement around us and make necessary course corrections to assure resonance. If this resonates with you, then let’s explore together. The Directives of EarthProject777 and the practical application tools are here to assist us as we live as Wholly Human and are offered as steps into your own personal knowing.
The journey from Becoming Wholly Human to Being Wholly Human is one that requires a willingness to Remember What You Already Know…the wisdom encoded within for it is your Birthright.