As The Tri-vector SYSTEM evolved, it was obvious that it was connected to every facet of our human experience…on and off the Planet. It was not just about what our personality was experiencing…it involved how we create our reality and how we might move beyond the
loop of repetition we often experience.
The Tri-Vector Story is the outcome of my personal journey. Within the pages that follow, you will find links that will open pathways to information that connect science, physics, our unique physical form and diversity of our experiences to the SYSTEM leading to one common theme…our personal and collective ability to navigate the landscape of change during this accelerated evolutionary experience.
Carl Johan Calleman, in his book The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization posited the following question that I feel has importance as we explore The Tri-Vector SYSTEM. “What if human civilization is a product of an evolving global mind field that we are all part of? What if this is a divine mind that always influences the way we think?”
In The Nine Waves of Creation, Calleman speaks eloquently to this time in the history of our humanity and provides historical details of our evolutionary process as well as our potential to embody the higher consciousness necessary to take this grand leap forward. His work provides a blueprint to understand the different evolutionary waves, what took place during each one and how we might recognize the similarity and differences to adjust our perception moving with rather than being caught in the disruption.
The full complement of the nine waves is present and active simultaneously at this historic time on the planet. Each wave moves through a day/night cycle…with the 9th wave shifting more rapidly every 18 days. It is important to remember each of the previous waves are still active. How they influence our behavior and perception of what we experience requires that we remain aware as we move in resonance with the higher vibration of the 9th wave. However, it does not serve us to simply focus on the 9th wave without reconciling the influences of the previous waves. What is their influence upon the choices humanity must make at this time?
The 5th wave provides a bridge between the 4th wave and the 6th wave and is described by Calleman as “the midpoint of the climb to the top of the nine-storied pyramid. This level is then a turning point in the evolution from animal to man, or from physical body to mind. The Fifth Wave created the soul of the human being and made him or her into something more than just biological and physical matter.” Barbara Hand Clow has analyzed this Fifth Wave in her book Awakening the Planetary Mind. She concludes it was during this wave that humans became spiritual and emotional beings.
Could it be possible that The Triad Wave Sequencing was created to bridge between these nine waves working within their pre-wave interference pattern to allow our perceptual threshold to raise beyond the limited and manipulated perceptions to open opportunity for change and evolution?
Does the Tri-Vector SYSTEM bridge the gap between our human experience and our Spiritual KNOWING? Could the full complement of all 9 waves moving in concert with the physical form represent the “midpoint” of our full embodiment as Wholly Human? Might it open the possibility to utilize both the human mind and the MIND of the embodied Wholly Human? It is that perceptual separation that needs to be addressed.
We begin by exploring perception and its relationship to how we conceptualize. How our perceptual and conceptual minds create our conscious experience…not in an academic exploration for there is ample science/physiology to validate its movement…rather using the vast amount of experiential information and how it has opened a practical way to reconcile the information. The evolution of The Tri-Vector SYSTEM over the life of The EarthProject has been used in many diverse mainstream environments. The experiential vocabulary of The Tri-Vector SYSTEM allows a more universal experience and is here now for our use.
What I KNOW FOR CERTAIN…Life is about change…choices. Change is a constant. How we navigate the ever-changing vibrational landscape of our current experience is determined by how well we utilize the empirical design of the communication system within our human form. The Tri-Vector SYSTEM works in concert with this intricate design.
Curious to find the common threads?
The Physics of Evolution moves in 45 degree angles…as did the third sequence of The Triad Wave representing our time of approaching embodiment.
“At an angle of 45°, we look both up and out, and this is a good paradigm for life.”
Msgr. Charles Pope