June 26, 2013…It has now been 11 years since I first revealed the back-story of EarthProject777. Sitting across the table from Regina Meredith, I spoke of events that had brought me to that moment. While there would be much more to discover, it was the first time I could speak of some things openly. Eleven years later, I still receive
June 26, 2013…It has now been 11 years since I first revealed the back-story of EarthProject777. Sitting across the table from Regina Meredith, I spoke of events that had brought me to that moment. While there would be much more to discover, it was the first time I could speak of some things openly. Eleven years later, I still receive emails from viewers asking for the rest of the story.
June 2024…it is NOW both Time and Timing to reveal the full story of the years of experience between seen and unseen...physical and non-physical...between science, technology and the amazing unique ability of the physical form to navigate the landscape of change. My experiential vocabulary expanded as I learned to navigate the diverse landscape of EarthProject777. I have learned to TRUST the Original Intelligence held within my skinsuit.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain
March 14th …I was born into human form upon Planet Earth in the year 1943…part of a small generational group just following WWII known as the Silent Generation. If there is any truth to the story of my birth, as my mother told
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain
March 14th …I was born into human form upon Planet Earth in the year 1943…part of a small generational group just following WWII known as the Silent Generation. If there is any truth to the story of my birth, as my mother told it, then the timing of my birth would prove to be significant as my story unfolds.
The range of birth years ascribed to the Silent Generation varies slightly according to the generational scheme employed, beginning with either 1925, 1928, or 1929 and ending with either 1942 or 1945. In the early 2020s the Silents were mostly in their 80s and 90s.
Four years ago, I returned to the City of my Birth…just three city blocks from the exact place of my birth. It is also the place where both my parents were born.
I have returned to complete my commitment to my human lineage and my Cosmic Agreement to give voice to my experience…no longer feeling the need to keep silent.🦋
Like many of the early Builders, I came to a realization that it was time to begin a collaboration to assure that the discoveries would continue to move forward…in a new, more current way.
As always, the right collaborator came forward. Andrea Elliott took the first step and created a platform design that became the learning model for th
Like many of the early Builders, I came to a realization that it was time to begin a collaboration to assure that the discoveries would continue to move forward…in a new, more current way.
As always, the right collaborator came forward. Andrea Elliott took the first step and created a platform design that became the learning model for the Wholly Human Initiative.
We both grew from the model she created and I am excited to see it being used today in mainstream environments and available for personal use in every facet of our human experience. 🦋
Like many of you, I saw Brenda Julian Williams on Open Minds and within moments of hearing her voice, a tiny voice inside me urged "HER. Find her." I'm so glad I listened.
As soon as I heard the term "Wholly Human", an important part of me sat up, took notice, and asked the hard question- "do you feel like you're living a human existence
Like many of you, I saw Brenda Julian Williams on Open Minds and within moments of hearing her voice, a tiny voice inside me urged "HER. Find her." I'm so glad I listened.
As soon as I heard the term "Wholly Human", an important part of me sat up, took notice, and asked the hard question- "do you feel like you're living a human existence that's whole and full? And if not... why? And more importantly... what are you going to do next?"
Brenda has always told me that the backstories aren't as important as that question- what are each of us going to do next? The Wholly Human Experience was born from a deep desire to help everyone reconcile their own backstory to clear the way for where they want to go next; to grasp their full, whole potential. We hope to see you there!
We put together The Wholly Human Experience as a first bridge to help people identify and enact how they can live a Wholly Human life on a personal level. It's designed as a learning platform, a tool and a support system, all in one. It's meant to light a spark... to illuminate a path... and then what?
Are you Curious?