The EarthProject was created to Bridge Science, Physiology and Spirituality
The EarthProject was created to Bridge Science, Physiology and Spirituality
Signed in as:
…I will be sharing from my personal journals details of timeline markers and events that gave voice to my experiential vocabulary and expansion through each phase of The Earth Project. Bring your questions to the table…together we can have clarity that alone we cannot see.…collaborative dialogue.
…What happened during EarthProject777 that others didn’t see? What Bridges were built during EarthProject888? What is the significance of 3/9/2011? How will the new Mayan Trecena that began August 21, 2024 bring clarity to our evolutionary process?
…We have come FULL CIRCLE….it has been sixteen years since Lions Gate 08-08-08. (888) when The EarthProject bridged to EarthProject888. This year, 08-08-2024 is also presenting as 888 and many of us feel the timing is right to step forward again and show the significance of the timelines and discoveries that will guide us into humanities future. This “fold-over” allowed the “reset” of our ability to reconcile any experiences that previously relied upon choices “outside of our Original Template or Design.”
…The timeline for EarthProject777 had many marker dates that might look familiar as you look to the dates you “suddenly got a nudge” to step into a new role. (i.e. 1997, 1999, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2024)
…Are the signals different when the nudge is Cosmic or when it is part of our evolving human experience?
…What changed on March 9, 2011 as reflected in Carl Calleman’s 9th Wave? How might we use the discoveries from EarthProject777 and the Bridges built during EarthProject888 to navigate the landscape as we begin humanity’s next first step…EarthProject999?
…Celia Fenn will be sharing information on her website about “Timelines and Time Spirals as we are approaching the Lion's Gate portal 888”.
…Jain108 (Magic Squares Of The 9 Planets. Code 9-9-9 Revealed) suggests that Code 9-9-9 may be the underpinning of Crystalline Matrix Creation.”
…The merging of the vertical/horizontal timelines at 3:03 am EST on November 22, 2023 opened an opportunity to Remember What You Already Know about navigating the landscape of the current Paradeim Shift?
…What is the difference between vertical or Cosmic (timing) and horizontal or Earth-based (time)?
…How might Chris Levine’s laser light and frequency events be balancing the Vertical/Horizontal Timelines of the New Paradigm?
…Is there a difference between Becoming, Being and Living as Wholly Human?
and how might those different stages change our viewpoint of our relationships with others?
…Have you ever wondered why we didn’t come with a user manual to show how to operate our physical form and how the communication works inside our skin suit?
…How might you access and use the information encoded within in your DNA and use the tools found in the Wholly Human Initiative to recognize, reconcile and resolve our differences (RRR’s)?
As a non-profit, Quiet Miracles was able to bring attention to the significance of our human form using RBQT as a way to “feel” the body signals. Sharing the Quiet Miracles programs in elementary schools, community hospitals and other mainstream environments planted the seeds that would open doors to bring attention to the wisdom held within our own bodies.
We each have an opportunity to discover what we already know…the innate wisdom given to us by our Creator In The Beginning. That discovery is what Quiet Miracles was about. To begin to remember and understand that our human form held the OI (Original Intelligence) that would guide us. Not a new concept, not a new idea but an opportunity to remember the "tools" that were given each of us to see us through trying times. Remember them, use them and share them with others.
WE have the opportunity to utilize our complex human form and its unique ability to bridge between what we know in our mind/intellect and our MIND/Divine Intelligence from The Beginning…KNOWING/WISDOM. WE are present upon Earth for just this moment in our evolutionary process to allow full embodiment of our Divine Wisdom to give voice to our “next first step“ as we become the moving expression of The Beginning…BECOMING, BEING and LIVING as WHOLLY HUMAN.
As we remember the real meaning of the word power, WE commit to peaceful use of our longer using control, manipulation, intimidation or FEAR as WE move among those WE have come to serve. WE, in form, are prepared to fully engage our Soul Purpose in service to humanity. Within the unified field of our wholistic embodiment WE will, in unison, reveal the pathway upon which WE will walk as our individual gifts come together.
“The vector equilibrium is the zero point for happenings or nonhappenings: it is the empty theater and empty circus and empty universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience.”— R. Buckminster Fuller
Let’s bring this into perspective with regard to our current human experience. First…and most important…WE HAVE A BLANK CANVAS TO BEGIN BUILDING OUR NEXT EXPERIENCE. Let’s take a PAUSE to consider what that means individually, collectively and for generations forward. To get clarity about the relationship of vector equilibrium, Sacred Geometry and our physical expression as Wholly Human, I emailed Jain 108 and received this reply: “1/3/2023: Hi Brenda, the Vector Equilibrium, is essentially a cube with its 8 corners cut off or truncated. The cube and octahedron, which are duals, both have 3 axes, x, y, z. The human form fits inside the cube. In this regard, it is tri-vector. The Cube of Space is the key to all atomic structure.“ (
At last there was a more inclusive understanding of how our human existence is a tri-vector…body, mind, spirit…moving constantly in many directions and dimensions at different amplitudes. Sacred Geometry and Leonardo da Vinci‘s Vitruvian Man provided insight into the perfect mathematical balance within our form. We also have a better understanding of why the physical internal communication system was designed to interpret our experiences using the DNA encoding to de-code/translate it and determine what action or non-action is needed. This unique ability allows us to navigate the multiplicity of our vibrational landscape using the communication between our skin suit/physical communication system/INTUITION, our mind/MIND and the wisdom of our Soul Purpose. We have an innate ability to use our knowing from The Beginning as our guide.
As we approach Lions Gate 2024, I am reminded that it is sixteen years since Lions Gate 08-08-08. (888). This year, 08-08-2024 is also presenting as 888 and many of us feel the timing is right to step forward again and show the significance of the timelines and discoveries that will guide us into humanities future.
Let’s get acquainted with the other Builders and Platforms. How might the Pathfinders and Builders assist as we begin our collaborative effort to share the Creative Solutions WE agreed to bring forward?
WHAT IF?…our real or perceived BOX OF LIMITATIONS never existed? Would you consider the possibility that even if there is a box…”the lid is OFF THE BOX now?
So, my next question…What if...?...the common thread for our existence here/NOW is to KNOW, EMBODY and understand that we simply exist in all time and space...will forever and have always...and are truly the creator of our reality/experience. Choose wisely and with intent? Well, isn‘t that what the wise sages have always said...and yet we don't feel we KNOW and keep searching for something that we FEEL is just beyond our reach...when it is already within?
What changed on January 5, 1999 and March 9, 2011 as reflected in Carl Calleman’s 8th and 9th Waves? What changed with the discovery of a “new trecena beginning August 21, 2924?” Did the Mayan Wisdom recognize that date would mark our individual commitment to our collective survival? What was happening prior to 2011…were many of us experiencing the changes we are bringing forward today? What can we learn from Jain108 as he shares the mathematics of 999. What might we experience as Chris Levine’s amazing laser light events dance into the night?
How might we use the discoveries from EarthProject777 and the Bridges built in EarthProject888 to navigate the landscape as we begin humanity’s next first step as
Wholly Human…EarthProject999?
How might you access and use the information encoded within in your DNA and use the tools found in the Wholly Human Initiative to recognize, reconcile and resolve our differences (RRR’s)?
The merging of the vertical/horizontal timelines at 3:03 am EST on November 22, 2023 opened an opportunity to Remember What You Already Know…the choice is yours…🦋
Copyright ©1994-2024 BrendaJulianWilliams - All rights reserved. The Wholly Human, The Triad Wave Sequencing, Tri-Vector Equilibrium, EarthProject777, EarthProject888, EarthProject999 and Quiet Miracles (RBQT-18’) are all protected under trademark and/or copyright regulations.
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